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Ten film na temat zdrowia psychicznego mężczyzn został obejrzany ponad 50 milionów razy w ciągu 6 dni... – Dbajmy o swoich bliskich This video on men's mental health hasbeen watched over 50 million times in 6days...عملاLOT
Są dwie płcie i wieleproblemów psychicznych –  Daniel Totzke"There are twogenders and a lotof mentalillnesses."
16-latka jeszcze parę tygodni przed popełnieniem samobójstwa skarżyła się mamie na stres i problemy ze zdrowiem psychicznym. A ona to zbagatelizowała – Nigdy nie ignorujcie takich rzeczy When you try to talk to your mom about your stress and mental health issues & she tells you to get over it
Liczba poprawek poraża, MSZ popełnia w oficjalnym piśmie błędy gramatyczne, tłumaczy dosłownie polskie sformułowania, wprowadza polskiszyk zdania w anglojęzycznym tekście i ewidentnie tłumaczy z użyciem Google Translatora – Szef MSZ Witold Waszczykowski uważa jednak, że w tekście nie ma błędów ani merytorycznych, ani językowych i został w nim zastosowany "inny żargon językowy" MFA statement in connection with Emmanuel Macron’s declarationWe are following with interest the election campaign in France on account of the country’s significance for the future of the EU. In this context, we regret to note that once again during the presidential campaign in France, an allied country that like Poland is a member of NATO and the European Union, a candidate for the highest office in the state has used unacceptable comparisons and mental shortcuts that mislead the public opinion.The government of the Republic of Poland is not an ally of Ms. Marine Le Pen. Indicating an alleged alliance between Madame Le Pen and the chairman of Law and Justice (PiS) is a manipulation, and counting Jarosław Kaczyński among the group of "Le Pen’s friends who are violating many freedoms” is wrong and inappropriate. Values and rules of free democracy are observed in Poland. The fundamental values that have been present in the Polish political culture and tradition for hundreds of years include respect and tolerance for people who have different political views or a different faith. We would also like to recall that anyone who is familiar with the history and the domestic political scene in Poland has no right to accuse Poles of sympathies for imperial Russia.We expect that the future president of France – regardless of which candidate wins the election – will do an in-depth analysis and clarify any possible doubts in bilateral contacts before making judgements about other states’ policies. MFA Press Office
Polska jest piękna! –
Źródło: Mental Fly